
Canning Green Peanuts

Green peanuts brings back memories of good times for me.   When I lived in Georgia we grew peanuts in our garden and when the green peanuts were harvested we would have a peanut boil.  Family and friends would get together, a big fire was lit , and a large pot of green peanuts would be cooking over the fire.  The only food served at this get together would be the peanuts and a large amount of sweet tea.  Every year when the green peanuts arrive at the farmers market it brings back good memories of all those times with friends and family.

I don't get to enjoy going to a peanut boil anymore but I still eat the heck out of boiled peanuts.  R can't watch a ballgame without a big bowl of peanuts. So we buy bushels of these nuts when they are available and freeze and can them for later. 

First of all green peanuts are not green, they are pink when fresh out of the shell.  They are called green because it hasn't been long since they were pulled out of the ground and they haven't had time to dry out.  The green peanuts must be kept in a cooler or fridge until cooked.

Freezing peanuts is a simple project.  All you need is a super large pot, peanuts, water, and salt. 

After the peanuts are cleaned and washed they are put in the pot with a brine mixture of one gallon of water to one cup of  Ball® Pickling Salt Make enough brine to cover the peanuts.  After a couple of hours of cooking I start to  taste the nuts for tenderness and saltiness.  Once the nuts reach the soft not mushy  texture then I turn off the heat and let the peanuts cool in the brine water until the nuts are as salty as I like them.  Then I put the peanuts (not the brine) in a freezer bag and freeze.  To eat I just put the peanuts and fresh water in a pot and warm up the peanuts.  Sometimes I just pop them in the microwave to heat.

Canning is a little more complicated than freezing.  I like to have some canned peanuts on hand to take on camping trips or to take when we go out on the boat.  Here is how I can my peanuts

Heat (7) Ball Regular Quart Jars and lids and rings

Clean and wash the peanuts --wash with fresh water three times -this is important

Cook peanuts for about ten minutes in fresh water

While the peanuts are cooking I mix my brine ( one gallon water and one cup Ball® Pickling Salt and bring to a boil

Pack Peanuts in the hot jar and ladle the brine water to cover leaving 1/2 inch head space. Place seal and lid on jar

Place jars into Presto Aluminum Pressure Cooker/Canner

Can in a pressure canner
Style of PackJar SizeProcess Time0 - 2,000 ft2,001 - 4,000 ft4,001 - 6,000 ft6,001 - 8,000 ft
HotPints45 min11 lb12 lb13 lb14 lb

If you are a first time canner go to the USDA for canning food website to learn how to safely prepare foods for canning.  Another great place to learn to can is at Home Canning For Beginners and Beyond.

Whether I am sitting by the campfire or sitting in the boat on the water all I have to do is pop off the lid and enjoy my boiled peanuts (no heating needed) What a perfect snack!

So I hope you will try some green peanuts, can a few for outdoor trips, and freeze a few for ballgame watching.

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  1. Love boiled peanuts, a summertime favorite.

    Thanks so much for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY...

  2. Love boiled fresh peanuts, didn't know you can freeze and can them also, thanks for the writeup. Unfortunately I haven't seen any green peanuts in our region, may have to try to grow some next year just for fun.

  3. Fresh boiled peanuts does sound good on a "TRIP". Make sure you bring them.

    1. bringing several jars - the longest yard sale ==can't wait

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I've never eaten boiled peanuts, although folks sell them along the roadsides around here. Sounds like a great trip down memory lane for you. Thanks for sharing on this week's Maple Hill Hop!

  6. Very interesting - a regional treat that I'd never heard of here in Oregon.

  7. I've never had a boiled peanut. I didn't even know that people boiled them. Now I want to try them to see how they taste compared to the roasted peanuts.

  8. I have never had boiled peanuts or canned any. So curious!
