
Hydroponic and Dirt Gardens are doing good

Hard to believe when it is still 95 degrees outside that it is time to get a move on the fall garden.  I told pawpaw last night that if we don't pick up the speed it will be time to get the plants in the ground and we want have enough to plant. Gotta get those seeds in the starter cups now.

We did plant a few squash, pumpkin, kale, broccoli, and collards last week.  Hoping to put the kale, collards, and broccoli in our hydroponic system and see how they grow compared to the ones we start in the soil. 

The squash and pumpkins were started in my newspaper pots.  I made these according to the directions of a YouTube video.  I just googled newspaper pots and came up with several videos then I chose one, followed the direction, and made several pots.

The newspaper pots are great for the squash and pumpkins.  Another free seedling starter pot we use is the pods from our keruig machine.  PawPaw used the coffee grounds in the compost pile and he also read the grounds are good for his blueberry bushes. 
Cucumbers are coming along but the kale and broccoli are slow grow.  I think it is too hot for them to sprout. 
Here is an update on our hydroponic plants
the eggplant has doubled in size in only two weeks and it is starting to bloom.
Bell peppers, tomatoes, and eggplants are really growing.
One good thing comes from the heat.  Pleanty of okra for the freezer and for making pickled okra. 
So Much Work !! but I do love our garden.

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