
November and it Still Looks Like a Summer Garden

November 2012 has been a very strange weather month for central Florida.  Last week we had some temps down to 38 degrees at night and this week the temp is in the 80's in the day.  Looking around my little farm you would think it was still summer.           
Yellow Summer Squash
We planted the squash with the hope the weather would remain warm until we harvested the squash.  So far we have been lucky

     Okra Bloom and Pods- most of the okra came up in the garden from the compost and some was planted a few days after labor day. 
Tomatoes -the bush with the largest
 tomatoes came from a volunteer bush and the tomatoes in the pots were started at the beginning of September.
Ginger Plants are still blooming
Pomegranate Bush is putting on fruit. We planted two bushes in the spring and the small fruit fell off. I was surprised to see the bushes putting on fruit in November.  The fruit will take 5 to 6 months to ripen.  Keeping my fingers crossed on having mature fruit.
The only sign of fall and winter is the sugar cane turning purple and new shoots appearing

Another sign of fall is having lots of shrimp in my freezer.  Shrimping season started late September and ended the middle of October. 
Tommy and Roger picking up the shrimp
We are also lucky to have friends that like to hunt.  I trade them shrimp for vension. 
Chickens are growing but still slow in producing eggs
Turkeys need to grow a little more
Over all I have been pleased with what we have been able to produce and put in our freezer this month.  I know the kids will be eating things that are fresh, organic, and great tasting. 

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