
September Garden

Well here it is September and the peppers are still growing and producing. I will have peppers until the frost kills the bushes or Roger decides to pull them up and plant something else.

Cayenne peppers left on the bushes to dry can later be ground into pepper flakes or a powder. The food processor will work for grinding but I use a coffee grinder for this.  Caution !!! let the powder settle before opening the grinder. Place in a dry mason jar for later use. 
We like pepper sauce to go on our collard greens. Our pepper sauce consist of whole peppers (not dried) placed in a jar of vinger and sealed. The vinegar is infused with the pepper flavor.  The infused vinegar tastes great on cooked greens.

The banana peppers are easy to can.  Slice the peppers on an angle (this makes larger rings) Place them in a non reactive pan (I use a large enamel pan) with one cup vinegar and one cup water ( double or triple this until all the peppers are in the vinegar water solution.  Add salt and then I add turmeric which gives the solution a yellow color and makes the pepper rings more appealing.  Heat to a boil and place in sterilized mason jars and place seal and rings on jars.  I place the jars in a water bath for about 5 minutes.  This insures the jars seal.  Banana peppers can also be frozen.  To freeze the peppers just slice and place in a plastic bag. No other processing is necessary.

Jalapena Peppers  I use these in my homemade salsa and I canned a few jars of rings using just vinegar, water, and salt and processed the same as my banana peppers.  I put some in my dehydrator but I did not like the outcome . I have plans to put some on the grill to smoke.  Other than making poppers with a cheese filling I really do not use these peppers very much.

Why purchase peppers when they are so easy to grow. 
Bell Peppers are my favorite pepper.  I use these in many of my recipes. Freezing bell peppers is a very easy job.  After I wash the peppers I cut the peppers, remove the seeds , and cut into strips. I place a single layer of peppers on a sheet tray and place in the freezer. After the peppers have frozen I place them in a plastic bag and keep them in the freezer to use as needed.  Peppers do not need blanching like other vegetables. 

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