
My Harvest during Hurricane Debby

Finally the rain quit for a little while so we decided to go to the garden and see what we could get today.  Not bad for a rainy day.  Check out the tomatoes, squash, dill weed, rosemary, chamomile, and peppers

We have four different types of peppers that include cayenne, jalapeno, banana, and bell peppers.  I am drying the cayenne and plan to make dried pepper flakes, the bell peppers I cut up and freeze, and the banana peppers will be cut in rings and canned in vinegar. 

The tomatoes and jalapenos are going to be used to make canned salsa. The onions for the salsa came from my moms garden.

Small red potatoes also came from my moms garden. I am going to cook them in the oven with the dill weed, a little olive oil, and salt. Bake at 350 for about 25 minutes. Can't wait for lunch. Yummy!!

Fresh off the vine and free to boot.  Love that!!

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